• Question: When was the most recent volcano eruption?

    Asked by anon-276408 on 13 Jan 2021.
    • Photo: Rachel Brackenridge

      Rachel Brackenridge answered on 13 Jan 2021:

      There are lots of volcanoes erupting right now around the World! You can see all the volcanoes that are active on this cool map: https://www.volcanoesandearthquakes.com/

    • Photo: Graham Shields

      Graham Shields answered on 13 Jan 2021:

      Every day there are about twenty volcanoes erupting somewhere in the world. Most can be found around the edges of the Pacific Ocean, where there is active subduction of tectonic plates, in places like Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Russia or Indonesia. There are also active volcanoes along the East African Rift Valley in countries like Tanzania.
